Sports facilities
Warsaw - Chełmska Street (2013 yr)
Construction of a complex of sports fields along with sanitation facilities at a Middle School Gimnazjum nr 3 in W...
Ostrołęka (2012 yr)
Construction of a complex of sports fields at a school Zespół Szkół Zawodowych nr 2 in Ostrołęka under the program...
Kraków - Skośna Street (2012 yr)
construction of sports fields and track with the track for roller-skating at a Primary School in Kraków at Skośna...
Gdańsk - Stolema Street (2012 yr)
Reconstruction of sports fields, surface installation on a playground and construction of a playground at a Primar...
Knurów (2012 yr)
Construction of a full-size sports field at Lipowa Avenue in Knurów. The field has achieved FIFA 2 Star certificat...
Wiśniowa Góra (2012 yr)
Construction of a complex of sports fields along with sanitation facilities in Wiśniowa Góra under the programme "...
Łęg Starościński (2012 yr)
Construction of a multipurpose sports field along with a playground at aPrimary School in Łęg Starościński
Gdańsk - Grobla IV Street (2012 yr)
Reconstruction of fields at a primary school Szkoła Podstawowa nr 50 in Gdańsk, 8 Grobla IV Stree